This is usually a problem with a lot of sites where due to a security password policy, users are deactivated after a certain number of unsuccessful attempts in trying to log in. It could be frustrating for support folks to manually activate the users.
A cron job can be created with a script to activate users deactivated in the last day. There is 2 things required one to run the script below and second to refresh the customer profile cache registry.
update userreg
set status=1,passwordinvalid=null
where trunc(passwordinvalid) >= sysdate-1 and status=0;
Refresh Customer profile Cache Registry
A cron job can be created with a script to activate users deactivated in the last day. There is 2 things required one to run the script below and second to refresh the customer profile cache registry.
update userreg
set status=1,passwordinvalid=null
where trunc(passwordinvalid) >= sysdate-1 and status=0;
Refresh Customer profile Cache Registry