You can create a sitemaps job using the Scheduler in the Administration Console. Create a new schedule job SitemapGenerate with parameters
In toolkit the files are generated at the following location with pattern sitemap_10501.
The command calls SEOSitemap.jsp which internally calls the category\subcategory\PDP and all other content that needs to be added to the sitemap_storeID.xml e.g. sitemap_105010.xml.
Do not added HTML comments into the JSPs. Specially more important for JSPs used b the SEO process since these would be reflected in the SEO xml's generated.
Also do not miss to add the correct pageType for SEO friendly URLs.
Custom URL contents to be included in the Sitemap, a SEOSitemapExt.jsp is included under Stores/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore. This file is imported at the end of SEOSitemap.jsp which generates all the urls to be included in the index by the search engine
The constructedUrlCounter and urlCounter variables need to be updated for each added URL
URLs to the sitemap by defining one or more