Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Logon failure Issue | URLRedirect filter enabled

If your user logon flow is working fine in development environment and is failing once you get to staging or live. Essentially there is a configuration that needs to be defined in wc-server.xml for allowedDomain if the URLRedirectFilter is enabled.

The URL redirectfilter is enabled to prevent phishing attacks where a link from the current site would prevent the user from being redirected to a different site. It does need correct allowedDomain or else some of the functionality including logon starts failing.

Make sure in wc-server.xml in store definition has correct value  to domain or sub-domain value in the URLredirectfilter definition for store element.

alloweddomain name="example.com" 

Logs from Error for this scenario with login failure:

[6/22/12 12:34::024 EDT] 00000123 EJBMDOrchestr A   CNTR0117I: Container-managed ejbStore() call will be bypassed on bean: "WC_ejgrp#Member-MemberManagementData.jar#UserPasswordHistory" if it has not been modified in the current transaction.
[6/22/12 12:34:58:313 EDT] 0000023b CommerceSrvr  A ECActionForwardInstance isRedirectAllowed(String) CMN0207E The value of the parameter "URL" is not correct.
[6/22/12 12:59:59:254 EDT] 00000113 CommerceSrvr  E WCAuthenticationCookie getUserId CMN1039E: An invalid cookie was received for the user, your logonId may be in use by another user.
[6/22/12 12:34:28:727 EDT] 00000122 CommerceSrvr  A ECActionForwardInstance isRedirectAllowed(String) CMN0207E The value of the parameter "URL" is not correct.
[6/22/12 12:34:30:239 EDT] 0000045b CommerceSrvr  E WCAuthenticationCookie getUserId CMN1039E: An invalid cookie was received for the user, your logonId may be in use by another user.
[6/22/12 12:34:13:330 EDT] 00000245 CommerceSrvr  A ECActionForwardInstance isRedirectAllowed(String) CMN0207E The value of the parameter "URL" is not correct.
[6/22/12 12:34:15:141 EDT] 00000245 CommerceSrvr  E WCAuthenticationCookie getUserId CMN1039E: An invalid cookie was received for the user, your logonId may be in use by another user.


  1. Hi Raj, This helped me to resolve an issue for one of client. Thank you so much for posting this.

    - DB Patil
