checkResourcePermission The user does not have the authority to run this command. CMN0410E: The system failed to retrieve the message with key "_ERR_USER_AUTHORITY" from ""
I am sure all of us working in commerce have seen the above error a million times and some times it is because we didn't correctly define the access privileges when creating a new command and running ACPLoad but some times it is important to override the out of the box access policies.
I would not recommend returning plain null but also find below some more restricted overrides of getResources.
public AccessVector getResources() {
I am sure all of us working in commerce have seen the above error a million times and some times it is because we didn't correctly define the access privileges when creating a new command and running ACPLoad but some times it is important to override the out of the box access policies.
I would not recommend returning plain null but also find below some more restricted overrides of getResources.
public AccessVector getResources() {
return null;
public AccessVector getResources()
{ final String METHOD_NAME = "getResources";
java.util.Vector resourcesVector = new java.util.Vector();
Long parentOrgId= null;
UserAccessBean userAccessBean = getCommandContext().getUser();
Long[] userAncestors = userAccessBean.getAncestors();
if(userAncestors != null) { parentOrgId = userAncestors[0]; }
else { return null; }
else { return null; }
OrganizationAccessBean orgAccessBean = new OrganizationAccessBean();
return new AccessVector(resourcesVector);
public AccessVector getResources()
final String METHOD_NAME = "getResources";
resources = new AccessVector();
try {
if (resources.isEmpty()) {
orderId = getRequestProperties().getString(ORDER_ID,
OrderAccessBean orderAccessBean= new OrderAccessBean();
resources = new AccessVector();
try {
if (resources.isEmpty()) {
orderId = getRequestProperties().getString(ORDER_ID,
OrderAccessBean orderAccessBean= new OrderAccessBean();
return resources;
What if I encounter the above user authority exception when accessing a JSP that uses this OrderDataBean ?
ReplyDeleteOverride getResource method to support resource level access control policies. Making an entry into ACPolicy xml is for command level accesscontrol polocies.
ReplyDeleteHey Is there a way to change value in ""? , I need to do that for changing the Subject of Email in commerce