Thursday, April 3, 2014

Freaky toolkit | Error | Loose archive URI

When adding a new custom payment plugin project or any new EJB project.  One of the options that is selected is added project to EAR (WC) and one of the configurations is to add the Module dependency in WC project. From my experience, it is important to generate a localized version of new module in the file and then perform WC publish.

  W org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.LoadStrategyImpl collectFilesFromLooseArchives Archive URI [ C:\IBM\WCDE_ENT70\workspace\WC ]: Loose archive URI [ CustomPaymentPlugin.jar ] Loose Archive [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.looseconfig.internal.impl.LooseLibraryImpl@4b1e4b1e (uri: CustomPaymentPlugin.jar, binariesPath: C:\IBM\WCDE_ENT70\workspace\CustomPaymentPlugin\ejbModule, resourcesPath: C:\IBM\WCDE_ENT70\workspace\CustomPaymentPlugin\ejbModule) ]: Already mapped to [ (URI: CustomPaymentPlugin.jar, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: , originalURI: CustomPaymentPlugin.jar) (types: null) ]


        <dependent-module archiveName="CustomPaymentPlugin.jar" deploy-path="/" handle="module:/resource/CustomPaymentPlugin/CustomPaymentPlugin">

As a practice if org.eclipse.wst.common.component is getting checked into repository by developers.
Some times it may break your sever start with the above error and for the developer who works on the module, it may work as the module number is a generated on a local toolkit but for others, they need to go into the above dialog by WC-->right click->properties and goto Java EE module dependencies and uncheck and click ok and go back in there and check the corresponding module and click ok so the localized version is generated and publish WC project


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