Creating an EJB bean and best practices to checkin files into CVS for 6.0.
The most important rule, while creating EJB's is to make sure, you understand the data model and finding the composite key that would identify the table.
e.g. extending catentry_ext (catentry_id,store_id), There should be just 1 ejbcreate with both the values.
e.g. extending catgroupdesc_ext (catgroup_id, language_id), ejbcreate(catgroupId,langId)
Also making sure the finders exist with the composite key.
e.g. findByCatentryIdStoreId and findByCatGroupIdAndLangId
I have used the following link to create multiple EJB's successfully.
2. I would usually be careful at step 15. to map the entity bean to the table, some times has issues when you try to map in wrong view. Other than that all other steps are required.
3. Best practice to check in files as a practice. Usually the following files are checked in and an ant task is used during build to generate all the stub classes for EJB's and access beans. It is better to not checkin all the generated classes to CVS. This approach would make it cleaner.
4.Do not check-in access beans, use a build script to create access beans, when refreshing code from version control system such as CVS or SVN.
To test it, you can use access bean to create a new row and commit.
Interesting things. Why do you use access beans?
Access beans are wrappers around EJB's that providers getters and setters to the fields and are also used to improve the performance of an data update operations, where in multiple columns are written to first Hashmap internally and committed to the database.
Write a tutorial on how to edit with websphere developer, I stress this is not English with a translator.
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